Yasuragi no Koto - Kokoro Hogushite Ikikaeru Jikan

Yasuragi no Koto - Kokoro Hogushite Ikikaeru Jikan

Product Description

Koto plays various western and Japanese tunes ranging the Beatles to Japanese pop and soundtracks, accompanied by shinobue and cello.

1. Yesterday
2. Ai No Sanka
3. Ito
4. Miagetegoran Yoru No Hoshi Wo
5. Let It Go
6. Ave Maria
7. Yasashisa Ni Tsutsumareta Nara
8. Some Day My Prince Will Come
9. Amazing Grace
10. Ai No Aisatsu
11. Arigatou
12. Je Te Veux
13. Nocturne
14. Beauty And The Beast
15. Ombra Mai Fu
16. Yume No Atoni
17. Hey Jude
18. It`s A Small World